I love my job. I've always been passionate enough about design that I'd be willing to do it for free, which I guess means I went into the right field. But, it also means I jump at the chance to use my art and design skills across all aspects of life, especially for my family!
Among our recent home remodeling projects, in addition to my new office, was a new room for my almost 2-year old little boy (in my old office space). His "old" bug themed room will be used for the next kid, due in Jan! My husband wanted to go with a space/science theme, and I wanted to go with robots. Luckily space and robots go together like pb&j, so it was easy to land on a space/robot theme. I enjoyed finding just the right items for his room, while also making and recycling many items to save money.
Above is a shot of the new room, minus the bed which we will be custom building to look like a robot, of course, and hope to share in a future post. For now he's getting used to sleeping in the big bed. I did a space mural on the back wall and painted all the stars and planets, except for the moon, which is a hanging light I found online. It goes through the lunar phases...very cool!
I have been collecting space and robot themed toys and decor at garage sales and thrift stores all summer, which now live on a bookshelf built by my husband's great-grandpa (above). The dresser was my old bedroom set that came from my great-grandma as well. I bought some cool robot and rocket ship knobs to put on it, saving the original knobs for when he grows out of the room. It was a great way to re-use current and meaningful furniture that was already in the house, rather than buying more "stuff" we didn't need.
I found 3 canvases at a yard sale for $2, and painted cartoon robots on them to decorate the other walls. I thought it was a good way to add more themed art without making it as permanent in it's placement as the mural.
Some of the details:
A - Although a little bit pricey, I couldn't turn down this ceiling fan from Home Depot!
In the background is a light-up, moving, solar system mobile, $5 in the unopened box at a garage sale.
B - One of the robot paintings I did on a garage sale canvas.
C - Laundry hamper, $6 at a thrift store, painted to match the room.
D - Wall clock, $5 at a thrift store, also re-painted.
E - An old lamp I've had around for years, re-painted for the room.
F - Corner shelf, $1 from a garage sale, displaying a souvenir robot from a family vacation.
G - One of the robot knobs I put on the antique dresser. It's an easy way to make it fit the room, without damaging the furniture at all with permanent changes.
H - Robot clock I bought on our trip to Paris this past spring. (Yes, we took a toddler to Paris!)
I - Space themed pillow, $2 at a garage sale.
J - My husband's great-grandpa's bookshelf, full of robot toys I've collected all summer
K - Space themed rug that I purchased online.
L - Space mural, and hand-sewn curtains
In the end, I think it turned out well. My little guy loves it and that's what matters. It's full of crazy colors, which a kid room should be anyway, yet all pulls together on a common theme.